
    Welcome welcome, beautiful women (and men if your chiming in too) of the Internet!!
    I cannot tell you how excited I am, as I am sure are all the other Ladies, to start this amazing Blog with this group of beautifully talented smart women!! 
You all are in for a big treat! <3

    Let me introduce myself... My name is Erin Chavez. I am 23 years young and currently (until Saturday 1/10) living in Fresno, CA. I am married to a wonderful man and my best friend, Tony, since June 22, 2012.  We were married in the LDS San Diego Temple, surrounded by our family and friends.  It has been the most amazing, hard, fun, crazy (almost) 3 years of my life! We were blessed, in April 2014, with an AMAZING,  special, funny, adorable little boy named Elijah, he is the light of our life. We  also have a dog, Yorkie, named Flynn, but you won't be hearing about him for sometime as we have to leave him with our in laws, for now until we buy a house. We are moving to Portland, Texas this weekend, and are over the moon about it! I am excited to start a new adventure in a new place with my family!! 
   My husband is an alarm technician and I work in direct sales, selling mascara through a company called Younique. I love my life, my job, God and my family. I love love love anything Disney, being fit and healthy (I do know how to snack really well though. Ha.) being a mom and wife!! My family is what makes me who I am today, they are my life,... I truly wouldn't have a purpose on this earth without them... as with the relationship I have with God. We have been blessed so much in our life because of our Heavenly Father, I am unbelievably grateful for that. 
    I am not the perfect mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend... You get the point... But I truly hope to bring my knowledge, sense of humor and stories to all of you so maybe I can help at least just 1 woman out there who may have needed a good laugh, knowledge, or hope. 
    I consider myself  a semi crunchy (natural minded) breastfeeding, co-sleeping,baby wearing mom! I do not believe mommy bashing,  I believe we all have  our own way of parenting that works for our families. So, I am excited to share my lifestyle with you all and how I do things and handle situations with my son, husband and just life in general. Like I said above I don't claim to be perfect or have all the answers but my posts will be about what works for me , my husband and son! 

    Well that is me in summary, I think I am a simple person and I try to keep it that way! 
I have so much more to share , so you best stay tuned and welcome once again to "The SweatPants Confessionals"!!  <3 xoxo


  1. Replies
    1. Bummer we never had a chance to meet! So exciting when I hear from mommas who live where I live, or use to live in this instance. :)
