Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Love at Second Sight

When I was a little girl, I told my parents I was going to marry a Canadian named Bryan (only because my cousin had married a Canadian named Brian). Little did I know at the time that it would be true! But how did I meet my Bryan?

It was 2008, I was a freshman at Brigham Young University in Utah. I got a text from a friend saying he was driving down from Canada for Halloween and wanted to hangout! I reluctantly agreed and on Halloween night I dragged a couple of my friends to go meet him and his friends at Village Inn. The friend introduced us to his friends, Bryan being one of them. Bryan had a girl with him, so I really didn't pay much attention to him at all. We maybe said hi to each other and that was it. Keep in mind, this is what I was wearing when we met: 

Michelangelo baby!! Great first impression right? He told me later that he thought I looked like a nerd (even though he is a huge one), so I guess it wasn't love at first sight. Anyways, I didn't think I was going to see this friend or any of his friends ever again, and I was perfectly okay with that. 

The next day, I went to a BYU hockey game. I got a text from my friend asking where I was, and I didn't exactly want to see him again, so I just said I was at a hockey game (not providing the details on purpose). Next thing I know, he and his friends (Bryan included) from the night before were there. He and Bryan came and sat with me and my friend at the game. This is when Bryan and I started talking and kind of flirting. But obviously, I didn't think anything would come of it, and I didn't want anything to come of it at that point. 

Long story short, my friend was mad and left the game in a hurry and Bryan stayed behind before getting in the car with said friend. Bryan asked me if I was interested in our friend and I told him I wasn’t. He asked me to walk to the car with him to say bye to our friend because they were driving back to Canada the next day. I guess that was the first time I really noticed Bryan in a way where I thought, “man, this guy is a really good friend and loyal, I like that.” 

Side note: a girl from one of my classes had seen Bryan at the hockey game and asked me who “that hot guy was” and I told her his name, and then realized, “HECK NO!”, I am interested in this guy, back off!!

That night or the next, I looked Bryan up on Facebook and couldn't find him because I spelled his name wrong. Little did I know, he was doing the same because I got a Facebook message from him asking how I was doing. I was so excited that he had sent me a message!!! 

It all blossomed from there. We talked every single day from then on out! Bryan told me he wanted to come visit me before Thanksgiving to go on a date! He drove 12 hours through snowy Montana mountains to come see me! (talk about a leap of faith! Imagine driving that long for everything to have sucked? Ha). From our first date:

We had our first kiss that weekend and it was glorious! Bryan drove down to visit me when he could (once or twice a month)! He also flew out to Nashville to visit me during Christmas break! I flew out to Canada to see him and meet his family (I met his parents previously) in May of 2009. At this point we had talked about marriage and knew we wanted to get married! 

Bryan proposed on my 19th birthday, June 15th 2009! (Side side note: I never thought I would be a teen bride. I never wanted to be a teen bride. But then I met Bryan and I realized that marrying the right person was more important than worrying about being a teen bride) He had asked me, my mom, and sisters to leave so he could talk to my dad. As we were leaving, my mom said she had forgotten her phone on her bed and asked me to go get it. I ran upstairs and into my parents room and Bryan came out of no where and was crying! My first thought was that my dad said no to us getting married! I asked him what was wrong, and the next thing I knew, he was proposing! We got married on August 22nd, 2009 and it was one of the best days EVER! 


  1. Oh the memories :) Late night Skype convos with Bryan....who would have guessed it would have turned into this? Love you Becca!

  2. Such an inspirational story 💕
