Monday, April 27, 2015

Where did the time go?

   There are nights like tonight that I sometimes wonder why do I continue to breastfeed? Why did I not take the "easy way out" and give my baby boy formula and "to fill him up" so he would sleep through the night?? 
   No. It is not a fact that formula fed babies sleep through the night or is even the easy way, but that's what everyone has always said or implied to me... 

"Erin, your baby should be sleeping through the night by at least 6months. Well at least my babies were! I did formula feed my kids though, so that's probably why..." 

   Like I said, I don't think that necessarily has anything to do with it and I definitely DO NOT believe being formula fed is the easy way out in any means, but on nights like tonight, where its 1am and my little boy is awake again to nurse and I am so very exhausted I can barely stand it, that's what I tell myself...

   Then it hit me... 

   Something so profound and special, it brought tears to my eyes and has changed my mind forever...

   As I lay here with my son in the darkness at 1am, him breastfeeding, sprawled across my body, I realized that this moment is not going to last forever...
I have already "blinked to many times", because some how Elijah went from being a day old to a little over a year old in a flash...  

Where did that time go?

Where did the time go, that he latched for the first time like a champ, but then slowly he forgot what he was doing and I had to reteach him again and again?

         Elijah's first Latch! 

Where did the times go, I sat and cried at night holding him against my breast trying my hardest because I knew that is what I wanted for my son, no matter if I was so exhausted and in pain that I wished it would end? 

Where did that one time go, I remember my son nursing and it was all of a sudden Amazing and painless? 

What happened to that magical moment?

Where did the time go when Elijah hurt himself and I was able to comfort him like nobody else ever could, by just latching him on? 

Where did that one time go he first smiled at me while nursing and my heart completely melted??

The first time he smiled at me while nursing! 

Where did that one time go I reached my biggest breastfeeding accomplishment of making it to a year of especially breastfeeding? 

Where did THAT time go?

   I could go on and on but my point is.... 


   We (mainly speaking for myself) need to stop wishing for time to go by and our little ones to grow up so fast! 

Enjoy them and all they do NOW!

Enjoy the bad as much as you in enjoy the good....

What?? Is that even possible?? 
   Yes it is... Maybe not in the moment but try to remind yourself it is only short term so you need to embrace it!

   Enjoy the silly and the distracted baby moments!
We (again speaking for myself.) let ourselves get so worked up over little things like our babies not nursing because they got distracted...but It is ok.

 I promise mama!!

 I wish I had known...

   They may not eat at that moment but they will eat, babies will NOT let themselves starve! 

...So breathe...

   And enjoy it, laugh it off, watch your baby enjoy the world and his or her surroundings! 
The world is a big, colorful, fun place and they just want to take it all in... Wouldn't you? 

   So as I lay here, breastfeeding my son, at now almost 2am, I will not complain about it anymore because time just flies right on by before our eyes! Instead, I will embrace and love this moment. I will remember the journey it took to get to here, and thank God every day that I was blessed with an amazing little boy who brightens every part of my day and was able to breastfeed when so many babies can't...
   I will not wish anything but for time to slow down and to enjoy my son NOW because before I know it will all be over, this is not just for breastfeeding but their lives in general, and I will have wished it hadn't!
   I will do ALL these things no matter what, because that is why I do what I do every night at 1am, maybe 3am,  4am , and who knows some days 5am.
   So I end this by kissing my baby boy on his head and embracing this moment for it is my Now that I want to last forever! <3

-Erin Chavez

Breastfeeding at his 1st Birthday party! 

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