Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meet Kelseas momma!

Say Hello to my mom... Lisa!

Birthday: August 31, 1964

Number of kids: Three . 29, 26, 20

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Steak

Favorite TV show: I like a lot of tv shows but my current fave is Grimm. 

Favorite flower: Daisies 

Favorite perfume: I don't have one :) 

Some fun facts about me: I love scary movies. I was born with a black eye, I can't drink water out of a bathroom sink. Lol. Mine are really weird. I like raw meat. I have 8 dogs. 

How I felt the first time I found out I was going to be a mom: I was excited, no apprehension. I was little fearful because our oldest was so early. 

When I think of my mom I think of many things. She is the most giving person and will do anything to help someone in need. She worked hard raising her three kids and had fun doing it. She would drop anything to help out her kids. Next to my husband, she is the first person I see when I wake up from surgery, the person I talk to about problems in my life and someone I can count on. She was (and still is..) the coolest mom. Growing up our house was the place to be, she knows how to have fun and still be the parent you feared if you got out of line ;) thank you mom for always being there and for giving all of you to your kids. We love you! 

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