Friday, May 8, 2015

Meet Erin's Mom

This is my Mom... Ellie!

Birthday: August 10th

Number of kids: 6 (4 girls, 2 boys)

Favorite color: Pink (pale yellow and Aqua are my next)

Favorite food: shrimp (grilled) and schnitzel
Favorite TV show: Currently Big Bang Theory. 
Charmed , Bewitched and Mash

Favorite flower:  Rose and forget me nots

Favorite perfume:  currently Burberry Brit (most Burberry) 

Some fun facts about me
 I traveled all over Europe at the age of 16/17 and turned 17 while I was traveling.  Had my passport stolen in Paris another trip and had to pass the border into Germany without it and prayer helped me not get detected. I'm afraid of moths - was even chased by one down the golf course.  Almost jumped out of a moving car to get away from a cricket at my feet- luckily Erin's dad stopped the car fast enough but the door was open and I was about to bail.  

How I felt the first time I found out I was going to be a mom: Excited, scared, overwhelmed, happy, and blessed. (Felt this each time I had a baby, but being overwhelmed and scared was bigger with the first time -after that I wasn't as overwhelmed or scared) 

    I love my mom! It is that simple, and even more so now that we live thousands of miles apart! My mom taught me how to be the mom I am today. She is the best grandma, and it is the sweetest thing to watch my son with her and now since we moved talk to her on facetime and for Elijah to know who she is to him and love her. My mom would do pretty much anything for her kids, and anyone really. She gave up so much of her time and money to take care of her sister who had cancer, she drove all the way to Vegas to take of her (from Cali) and then when my aunt  wasn't able to leave her bed, my mom went back to Vegas and brought her back to California to take care of her. In fact she gave up her living room to have my aunt stay there, until she passed away last year. That is the type of mom I have! I am blessed to have an example like that. I love my mom, she is one of my closest friends and I miss our weekly mom/daughter dates! Things just aren't the same without them... Thanks for being a great mom. Happy Mother's Day, Love you mom. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meet Kelseas momma!

Say Hello to my mom... Lisa!

Birthday: August 31, 1964

Number of kids: Three . 29, 26, 20

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Steak

Favorite TV show: I like a lot of tv shows but my current fave is Grimm. 

Favorite flower: Daisies 

Favorite perfume: I don't have one :) 

Some fun facts about me: I love scary movies. I was born with a black eye, I can't drink water out of a bathroom sink. Lol. Mine are really weird. I like raw meat. I have 8 dogs. 

How I felt the first time I found out I was going to be a mom: I was excited, no apprehension. I was little fearful because our oldest was so early. 

When I think of my mom I think of many things. She is the most giving person and will do anything to help someone in need. She worked hard raising her three kids and had fun doing it. She would drop anything to help out her kids. Next to my husband, she is the first person I see when I wake up from surgery, the person I talk to about problems in my life and someone I can count on. She was (and still is..) the coolest mom. Growing up our house was the place to be, she knows how to have fun and still be the parent you feared if you got out of line ;) thank you mom for always being there and for giving all of you to your kids. We love you! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Meet Becca's Mom!

Meet my mom, Jill!! (She is freakin' awesome!)

My mom and Alice Cooper

When is your birthday? May 13th
How many kids do you have? Four girls! (I am number 3)
What is your favorite color? Blush, which is like a peachy pink.
What is your favorite food? Homemade bread and homemade oatmeal raisin cookies.
(side note: she makes both, and they are incredible)
What is your favorite tv show? So You Think You Can Dance! (one of mine too)
What is your favorite flower? It is between hydrangeas and daffodils.
What is your favorite perfume? Pink Sugar
Some fun facts about my mom:
- I love to work out, especially for the feeling I get when I’m done.
- I love to bake!
- I love sewing (side note: she is amazing at it. She sewed us dresses all the time growing up, she has made carseat canopies for all her grand babies, and she has sewn dresses for her granddaughters. She really is amazing).
How did you feel when you first found out you were going to be a mom? Words cannot express the sheer joy I felt when I was able to finally be a mom. Ecstatic!!!  My life dreams becoming fulfilled.

My mom is the epitome of selflessness. She is the type of person who will drop anything and come to your side when you need her. She stayed with me in the hospital when Harper had her surgery because Bryan wasn't able to because of work. She is the woman who flew to be with her beautiful Mom during the last few months of her life here on earth. She helped take care of her, took her to and from the hospital, etc. She is the woman who talks to me on a daily basis even though we live 30 minutes away from each other. I want to be like my mom. She has set an incredible example for me and how I want to live my life. She made me want to be a mom because she has been such an incredible mother to my sisters and I. I love her so much and am so happy that I have her in my life. Happy Mother's Day to the best lady ever!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Meet Courtney's Mom

When is your birthday? September 14

How many kids do you have? 4 (Courtney is the only girl)

Favorite Food? Cannoli's and chocolate 

What is your favorite TV Show? All Creatures Great And Small

Favorite flower?  Blue Hydrangea 

Favorite Perfume? Lavender scent

Fun Facts: 
Love horses and caring for them was once a hobby but now profession. She is heavily involved in pony club and has ran several rallies in the last couple years. Her passion is her family and her horses.

My mom has always been an amazingly strong person. She has been known to go out of her way to embarrass her kids when we were teenagers just because she can. We tease her relentlessly because it's so easy and she takes it like a sport. She is an easy person to talk to and always listens. She is tough and courageous but super sweet and gentle at the same time. She patiently waits for you and is willing to forgive you of anything. Most days I work hard to not be like her but the harder I try the more I realize I have my mom programmed into me permanently and somehow I'm ok with that. She raised me to be strong and independent, she showed me how to put a smile on my face even when I'm angry, she taught me the importance of being a good mom and wife, and she helped me be who I am today. It is a wonder that I have a mom like her but I do and I can only hope that one day my kids will be as grateful for me as I am for her. Happy Mothers Day Mom, you are one in a million and I Love You.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Meet Megs' Mum

Introducing my Mum, Margaret!

When is your birthday? June 13
How Many kids do you have? Five
What is your favorite color? Orange
Favorite food? Pancake mozzarella 
What is your favorite TV show? Call the midwife 
Favorite flower? Freesias
Favorite perfume? Paris by YSL
Tell us some fun facts about you:
I Love my family and want to spend all my time with them.
I love to laugh,
I love to make others laugh.
How did you feel the first time you found out you were going to be a mum? I was scared and excited at the same time.

   I know this goes without saying, but I love my Mum. Not just because she is my mum, but because she is the kindest, strongest, most loving, patient and nurturing woman, I know. We live on opposite sides of the world, but somehow, she always knows how to make me feel better when I need it.  She knows me in a way that nobody else ever could. She gives the best advice, she knows when to encourage me and when to put me in my place. She hates when I call her cute, but she totally is! She loves to joke around and have fun and is totally corny in the best kind of way. One of the most precious things in the world to me is seeing my Mum with my kids, whether it be in person (which, unfortunately is rare) or on FaceTime. Both my boys adore her! There is no doubt in my mind that this incredible, beautiful woman was put on this earth to be a Mum and Nanna to my boys, and what a wonderful one she is!

Meet the Parents: Mom Edition

We love ALL moms here at The Sweatpants Confessionals, but there is nobody we love more than our own. So over the next few days, we will be introducing you all to our wonderful Moms! Enjoy!

Diamond Candle Giveaway!

In honor of Mother's Day this coming Sunday, we have decided to give away a delicious smelling ring candle to one lucky winner!
The giveaway ends this Saturday at 11:00pm EST and a random winner will be drawn and announced Sunday!

Enter via the widget below and if you just can't wait to find out if you win, click here to get 20% off your order!