Friday, July 31, 2015


I have a friend that inspired me to choose a word for the year and use that word to make the year worth everything it can be. This would be my new years resolution summed up in a single word. I chose the word Determination. Boy did I give myself a word to live up to.

Soon after the year began I was "determined" to stick to my word. I was going to work hard to live a healthier lifestyle, to be an awesome mother, love my husband more,be a positive happy person, and accept whatever life hands me with a smile. I bombed miserably. If I was to pick a word today to describe the past months it would be "mediocre."

Since January my family has moved back to our home state. It has become such a blessing to be closer to family. We are able to have a closer relationship for our kids with their grandparents and we have a lot of support when we need it.
We have been able to celebrate the first birthday of my youngest son with family and be grateful for all the things he has accomplished since birth.
We are going to welcome a third addition to our family (another boy) in December and so far he is healthy and strong.
My husband is working a great job and providing for us. He is a hard working man and it shows everyday.

So what's the problem??? Why mediocre??
My attitude has been terrible...............

Every day has been a struggle for me. Each day I get up and I know I have to argue with a three year old and stress about my youngest who won't take a spoon and will only eat formula out of a bottle. I constantly fight to get the best treatment for my son when people just want us to choose the easiest way out. I get funny looks when I tell people that my youngest baby is almost 18 months even though he still acts like a 6 month old. I feel my family judging me because my three year old isn't doing what they think he should be doing. They constantly complain about how much energy he has and how exhausting he is to be around. Since our pregnancy with number three, I have felt exhausted every day and less and less beautiful as the days go by. I feel that people feel sorry for us because we are having another baby when we should have waited for our youngest to develop more and be a little more independent. I have so many feels these days!!!!
I can't possibly be the only person out there feeling all these feels by myself right???????
SO!!! Lets suck it up!! Move on!

Let us bring back the determination!!!
Today I will move on an do what I know is best for my family. People may give up on us but I won't give up on us. I will do every possible thing to help my youngest (almost middle child) succeed in everything possible. I will learn that an argument with my three year old is his way of expressing his independence and personality. Instead of arguing back I will discuss the options because why should I be arguing with a three year old?? I'm older and smarter than this!!!
I will be proud of my family and our accomplishments. They are such a big part of my life and I honestly wouldn't change it for anything. I need to see more blessings and be grateful for what we have accomplished and not look at what must be done.
Who cares if the hair dresser cut my hair badly and made my cute pixie cut look like a male hair cut!!! I'm going to rock this look until I grow it out again! I will remind myself that sometimes adding a little mascara or even painting my fingers and toes can make me feel beautiful and feminine and that it's ok to get dolled up for no reason (even if it is to just get peed and pooed on).

I am determination, without it I wouldn't have gotten this far and without it I won't get any further. Let's work together and make the most out of the rest of this year and be the best we can be. It is exhausting and tiresome but so worth the work.

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